
Three Goals for Every Church Member to Help their Church Hit the Mark

October 25th, 2020 | Kevin Hall | Philippians 1

Three Goals for Every Church Member so that their Church Hits it's Mark

1.Strive for the Gospel

  • Put in effort to take the Gospel to the world!
  • Are we giving our very best?
  • Are we striving together for the Gospel?
  • Our responsibility as individuals is to preach the Gospel to every person in this world!
  • Don't be the cause of infighting or a barrier to the Gospel

2.Shine As Bright As We Can

  • We live in a dark world
  • Our Responsibility is to shine as lights in the world!
  • Matthew 5:14

“I have but one candle of life to burn, and i would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light.” ― Keith Falconer

3. Supply Our Service

  • Almost everyone seeks their own benefit and their own needs
  • But there was one man, Epaphroditus, who did the work of the ministry
  • He was doing the ministry God had given him and even filling in the place that others had left empty
  • Where has God placed you? Where do you need to supply your service?

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