
How to Grow by Reading the Entire Bible

Beau Carpenter on December 6th, 2019

The Bible is to the Christian what food is to the human body. Without food, the body becomes weak. Without God's word, the Christian becomes weak. Everyone should make it a priority to read the Bible. Reading through the whole Bible: - Helps you know God - Lets you know what God says - Helps you grow spiritually As with anything important, Bible reading takes work. The Bible is a big and challenging book. Reading the entire Bible is a serious challenge, but you can completely do it! With a plan and a few helpful tips, you can make it from Genesis to Revelation and grow in faith.

Habits are the Secret to Reading Through the Bible

Habits get a bad reputation. Some may think habitual Bible reading becomes dry and repetitive. Consider this; Does eating get dull and repetitive? That sounds ludicrous! Everybody eats and likes it a whole lot (ask a Baptist). Dry Bible reading is dry, but a habit of Bible reading does not have to be dull. Bible reading is much more like eating than reading. Jesus said: But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.Matthew 4:4 A habit of encountering God's word sustains and strengthens the Christian. The key is to get in the Bible and let the Bible get in you every day. This habit alone is life-changing! Little by little you'll know God more, grow in faith, and learn the whole Bible.

Four Steps to Read the Whole Bible in 2020

Step 1 - Get a plan

A Bible reading plan is foundational to making it through the Bible. It gives you a map to make your way through the scriptures. Plans can be as simple as \u0022Read one chapter of the Bible every day.\u0022 Or they can give alternative directions through the scripture. This year, Newton is offering two plans that might be a help to you: - Old Testament \u0026 New Testament plan - Read from both the Old and New Testaments each day. - Chronological Plan - Read the Bible in order of historical events. If you are reading through the Bible for the first time, the Old Testament \u0026 New Testament plan is a great place to start. You can also explore other Bible reading plans online or in Bible apps. Here's the key, pick a plan, and allow it to guide your daily reading.

Step 2 - Decide when and where you will read

Specific commitments to a time and place will help you build a habit of Bible reading. Consider adding Bible reading onto something else that you do daily: - When I drink my morning coffee, I will do my Bible Reading - Before I go to bed, I will read my Bible - When I go on lunch break, I will read my Bible while I eat A specific time and place will help you remember to read and stay committed to your plan. This method is one of the best ways to create a habit of getting in the Bible.

Step 3 - Read It

Of course, this is the whole goal of Bible reading! Here are a few things to consider when you sit down to read the Bible: - Remove distractions (Put your phone on silent, go to a quiet place, etc.) - Take a moment to pray and ask God to direct and teach you - Focus on reading through the day's chapter(s) even if you don't completely understand everything you read - Watch for any specific verses that stick out to you Observe what you read and don't get bogged down in a difficult portion. As you read, look for what God is trying to teach you that day. Sometimes you will discover something brand new. Other days, God will remind you of something you had already encountered before. Read with an open heart and mind, allowing God's word to settle into your heart and mind. When you do come across difficult portions of scripture, the best thing to do is make a note of the place so you can return later. Along the way, keep a dictionary handy to look up unfamiliar words. The Webster's 1828 Dictionary is an excellent reference for looking up Bible words. It is a free online resource you can bookmark for future reference.

Step 4 - Absorb It

This step is essential to good Bible reading! Reading is the beginning. God's word does its work in our lives as we allow it to get into our hearts and change our lives. Here are a few strategies to help you absorb God's word:

  • Pray over it - When you read a passage, pray through the verses and ask God to help you apply what you have read.
  • Meditate on it - Take time after you've read to think about the passage, what it means, how it applies to your life.
  • Share it - Talk with someone else about what you've read. The act of sharing helps you to think about what you read. You'll also find that others have helpful perspectives on what you're reading.
  • Write about it - Take some time to write down a few thoughts about the verses you've read and how you are going to respond to it.

Common Roadblocks

  • What if I don't understand what I'm reading? - As with any topic the Bible has a unique vocabulary that takes time to learn and understand (Imagine what it is like to read medical literature!). At first, you may not understand much of what you're reading. However, after reading further you'll begin to understand more. You may also re-read difficult portions or lookup terms to help you grasp what you're reading.
  • I'm not getting anything out of the Bible - There will be times when it feels like you might not be getting much from your time in the word. Sometimes that means you need to slow down, be more careful, and less distracted. It may mean you need to work on absorbing what you read. You can do your very best, and still, you may not feel like you're getting much out of it! Don't be discouraged, give it time, keep on going, very soon God will help you to grow through his word.

Tips from the Church Staff

Everyone is a little different, and there is something you can learn from anyone who has read the Bible many times. Here are a few tips from the staff here at Newton.

Pastor Tony

Something that is a help to me is sending my devotions to others and receiving theirs. The accountability challenges and encourages.

Ethan Howeth

Before you ever open your Bible, lift your voice. Pray and ask God to open the eyes of your mind and heart so that you can gain wisdom and understanding from what you read. Pray and ask God to give you opportunities to apply to your life what you're learning from His Word. Pray that God will help you correct areas of your life that don't line up with God's Word. Prayer is a vital part of Bible study.

Beau Carpenter

If you miss a day of Bible reading, the best thing to do is get back to the Bible as quickly as possible and keep ongoing. Don't beat yourself up; it happens to everyone.

Jason Mussell

I am trying to keep a journal with each scripture section summed up by a topic/ may only be 1 or 2 for a chapter, but at least something. The goal is to help me memorize where to look for things in the Bible for general topics. Basically, when I finish devotions through a particular book, I can look back and have a general outline of that entire book by section. Challenges/Forces me to develop the ability to quickly summarize the subject of that section, and also those are easy to memorize for down the road. I may not know the entire section of verses, but I could turn to a passages general location with relative ease to know where I could offer some scriptural help to someone.

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