
Dad, You Can Be the Hero of Your Home

Tony Howeth on July 9th, 2019

The tears run down Ben’s face as disappointment turns into anger. “Daddy didn’t come again! He never keeps his promises.” 

Sarah gazes out her bedroom window with unseeing eyes. Another day has drawn to a close, and she has neither seen nor spoken to her father. In the morning, she will hear the same story, “Sorry, honey, Daddy had to work late last night.” 

As Terry approaches his father with a ball in one hand, a glove in the other, and a twinkle of excitement in his eye, he asks, “You want to go outside and play catch?” His father barely turns from the television set as he replies, “Not now, son, maybe after the game.” Dejectedly, Terry thinks, “The answer is always not now,” as he walks away once again to play by himself. 

Is it any wonder in this day and age that children are turning away from fathers to Hollywood stars, pop music idols, and big-name athletes? Proverbs states that “…the glory of children are their fathers…”

May this book help every father to become the “hero of his home”. 

A Father of Devotion 

Many a father has trouble being the hero of his home because he is never at home! Your devotion and allegiance must be to the right place. The golf course, fishing hole, or even just “hanging out” with friends has taken priority over responsibilities at home. To be the hero of your home, you must evidence devotion in these three areas of your life: 

Devotion to the Savior 

In Genesis 18:19, God said, “For I know him….” Abraham knew God and had put his faith and trust in Him. “And he (Abraham) believed in the Lord, and he counted it to him for righteousness.” (Genesis 15:6) One of the greatest gifts that any father can give his children is the knowledge that he, himself, is saved and on his way to Heaven. 

It is a grievous thing to stand beside the casket of a child’s father, ask him the question, “Was your dad saved?”, and have him look with desperate eyes that say, “I do not know, but I hope so.” 

May our children know, whether we live or pass on, that we are saved and on our way to Heaven. 

Devotion To The Scriptures 

The quote by General Douglas MacArthur is one worth noting: “When I am gone, I do not want to be remembered as a great general. I want to be remembered as a great general. I want to be remembered as a Christian father who read the Bible and prayed with his children.” General MacArthur was truly a hero of his home. 

May there be a time in each and every day that you open your Bible and receive its life-giving nourishment. Your love for the Scriptures will have a wonderful effect upon your family. 

One of the greatest legacies that a father can leave his children is a love for the Bible. May your child one day open up your old Bible, walk down through the pages, and experience the love relationship that you had with God. May his prized possession be his father’s old Bible. 

“Thy word have I hid in my heart That I might not sin against thee” Psalm 119:11

Devotion To Your Children’s Salvation 

What shall it profit a father if his son or daughter is the greatest athlete in the world, winning every award possible, only to die and go to a devil’s hell? 

In the ministry, I have met many fathers who would pay for expensive camps, travel many miles to athletic tournaments, wait in school parking lots until the wee hours of the morning, and then say they were just too tired to bring their family to church on Sunday. Is it any wonder that we are raising children that refuse Christ and his teachings? One of the greatest joys I have had as a father is leading my children to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no experience that can compare with seeing your children get saved and then walk in truth. May we not rest until our sons and daughters are saved.

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