
Build Reserve Now

Beau Carpenter on July 31st, 2020

Once a crisis has arrived, it's too late to prepare. Preparations are best made in advance.

We will make it through this crisis, but don't miss the lesson. Be prepared. Build reserve now, before the next crisis. God calls his people to be wise, and he calls them to expect difficulty.

Spiritual Reserve

Too often, we go through a cycle of complacency, crisis, and commitment. The Bible shows this cycle in the Old Testament.

  • Complacency - After walking with God becomes ritualized, people tend to become complacent towards their relationship with God.
  • Crisis - Because of disobedience and the effects of sin, a crisis arises.
  • Commitment - People recognize their need for him and turn back to Him.

Instead of a cyclic walk with God, develop a steady walk. Commit to every-day habits that will build a solid foundation. The best time to build a strong walk with God is right now.

Financial Reserve

There is a temptation to live at or beyond our means, especially when there's little fear of a crisis. Unfortunately, crises don't phone ahead. You don't know when the bottom will fall out, but you can bet that it will. God's word teaches us to pay attention to the ant who prepares now for lean times.

Proverbs 6:6–8 - Go to the ant, thou sluggard; Consider her ways, and be wise: 7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, 8 Provideth her meat in the summer, And gathereth her food in the harvest.

What Other Reserve Should You Build?

Spiritual & Financial reserver immediately came to mind as I was writing this article. Beyond these, other areas of life could be considered:

  • Emotional Reserves
  • Relational Reserves
  • Time Reserves

How do you go about making reserves in these areas?

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