
A Father Of Direction

Tony Howeth on July 30th, 2019

Children wander aimlessly in our society, looking for someone to give them love and direction. 

God said of Abraham that he was going to command his family “…….and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment….” (Genesis 18:19) 

Teach Your Children What Is Right 

When I help my children with their schoolwork, there is a right answer and a wrong answer. I spend my energies teaching and training them how to come to the right answer. So it is with our children’s Christian life. There is a right way to live, according to the Bible, and there is a wrong way. Be sure to train you children up the right way. 

Teach Your Children What Is NOT Right 

Abraham also taught his family “….to do judgment…..”, that is, to look at something and be able to say, “Right or wrong, guilty or innocent.” 

I realize times are changing, and not for the better. Regardless, that which was wrong twenty years ago is still wrong today. Societies may change, but the Scriptures do not. Stand fast and firm with your children! If a thing is wrong, it is wrong no matter who is doing it. Christian parents are so afraid of drawing lines of right and wrong that our children walk in confusion, not knowing what to do. The sad fact is that while a father waits on neutral ground, the world is pulling his child in its direction. Like a leaf in a steam going gently with the flow, so is the child with no direction from his father. 

Teach Your Children to DO Right 

Knowing the way of the Lord and what is right is not enough. Abraham’s household was “…to do justice…”, or to do that which is right. To be a hearer of the Word and not a doer brings deception to the individual involved (James 1:22). 

It is one thing to tell someone how to rebuild a motor, and quite another to stand alongside him and show him. Teach your children intellectually what is right, and work with them practically on how to do it. My children must learn to do right with me, but my real desire is that they learn to do right without me. 

“Wherewithal shall a young man Cleanse his way? By taking heed According to thy word.” Psalms 119:9 5 6 

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