
A Father Of Dependability

Tony Howeth on July 23rd, 2019

“….that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.” (Genesis 18:19) Because Abraham was the hero of his home, dependable with the family he had, God promised him a larger family - a nation! As we built upon the foundational blocks of devotion, discipline, direction, and dependability, there are great rewards. 

Your Children Will Love You 

Isaac loved Abraham literally to the point of laying his own life down upon an altar. there are no shortcuts to being a father and nurturing the love relationship with your child. Being dependable and faithful will yield great joy between you and your children. 

I may not have liked or agreed with the decisions my father made concerning my life, but he was faithful. He was faithful to support and love me as a child and now as a man. My prayer is that I will be the father to my children that my dad has been to me. 7 4 

Your Wife Will Follow You 

Mother should be the greatest supporter that Father has in the home. It was said of Sarah that she followed Abraham, calling him “lord”. Now, do not go and use that against your wife! Lead by a consistent, Christ-like example. Show her that you are real and that you can be trusted. One day, you will reap great benefits. 

Your Savior Will Praise You 

As fathers, we have been given a priceless treasure in our families. May we accept this stewardship with a deepened sense of love and responsibility. May we be consumed with the motivation of pleasing our Father in Heaven, and seeing our heritage turn out right. 

It has been said that Rome was in the midst of a fierce battle when the enemy began to push them back. As the soldiers retreated, the man holding the Roman banner, or standard, did not move. Some, noticing the courage of this man, began to chant, “Back to the standard! Back to the standard!” Rome then rallied and defeated their enemy. 

May God stir our hearts as fathers to return to the standard of the Word of God and become the heroes of our homes.

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