
7 Quotes on Being a True Leader

Beau Carpenter on December 29th, 2017

Leadership is vital for the church. Jesus is the head of the body of Christ. He is the ultimate leader! A church must follow Christ. One of the ways that Jesus helps the church become all it can be is by giving individuals within the church gifts to use to build up others and continue the work!

That means that every person has the potential to make a difference for Christ! However, sometimes we don't recognize the qualities needed to activate and focus those gifts to make an impact for Christ. This week, we bring you seven more quotes to help you become a true leader. In addition to the quotes, we've also identified key takeaways from each quote!

1.On the need for Leaders

IN EVERY AGE THERE COMES a time when leadership must come forth to meet the needs of the hour. Therefore, there is no potential leader who does not find his time. Tragically, there are times when no leader arises for that hour.

Takeaway: Are you preparing now for your hour of leadership?

2.On the Real Essence of Leadership

An outstanding leader, Fred Smith: “Leadership is influence.” That is simple but profound; a person may have a position of leadership, but if he is not affecting the thoughts and actions of others, he is not a leader.

Takeaway: Leadership must be understood before it is excercised.

3.On Leadership & Responsibility

An Effective Leader Must Feel a Sense of Calling. True leaders feel an inner urging to take their positions; they feel a sense of responsibility.

Takeaway: Before leading others, identify and accept your responsibility.

4.On Leadership & Communication

Great leaders have the ability to visually communicate their message to people.

Takeaway: Develop your communication skills!

5.On The Key Task of a Leader

Those who are powerful in leadership understand that one of the key tasks of management is to find ways to grow people.

Takeaway: To become a true leader, focus on developing others.

6.On the Measure of Biblical Leadership

The measure of a leader is not the number of people who serve him but the number of people he serves.

Takeaway: Servant Leadership is Jesus’ way.

7.On Leadership & Consistency

An Effective Leader Acts Consistently. I put this last because there are too many people who are consistent but are not leaders, yet no one has ever been an effective leader over the long haul without being consistent. The moment people learn we are not dependable or responsible is the moment they will not recognize our leadership.

Takeaway: Consistency does not make a leader, but effective leaders are consistent.


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