
2 Reasons Newton's Ground Breaking Was So Memorable

Beau Carpenter on July 8th, 2017

Ground Breaking | June 25th, 2017

A few weeks ago, we had the privilege of breaking ground on the Life Center construction project! It was a bright and warm Sunday morning where many assembled to commemorate a special event in the life of Newton Baptist Church. The ground breaking ceremony highlighted the commencement of a lengthy building expansion and renovation that is projected to be completed in early 2018.

This construction will accomplish the following:

  • Create space for additional LifeGroups which allow people to connect and interact in smaller groups for Bible Study, encouragement, and community.
  • Provide much needed parking spaces that will enable more people to be ministered to through our church.
  • Construct a new entryway to allow area for genuine connection and conversation.
  • Expand the existing sanctuary space to accommodate seating for approximately 200 more people.

Here are some highlights from the ceremony:

  1. Over a Dozen Different People Breaking Ground - A healthy church is not built on a single person. A church becomes strong due to the influence and involvement of many different people serving in differing capacities. Those holding shovels at our Ground Breaking included LifeGroup leaders, children's ministry leaders, administrators, deacons, our pastor, facility managers, and more. Newton Baptist Church is truly the story of many people coming together to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ lifted up in our community.
  2. Prayer of Thanksgiving and Asking God's Blessing on Newton - If you've watched the highlight video,  you may have noticed the gentlemen's prayer that was included about two-thirds through the video. This man was not able to attend the ground breaking due to health reasons. However, that has not dampened his spirit nor decreased his fervor to see God work at his church. That man is one of many steadfast and loving people whom God has used to bring Newton Baptist Church to where it is today.

We are so thankful for everyone who has and is participating in this undertaking. A project of this magnitude requires the involvement of many people and most importantly the blessing of God. Please continue to partner together with our church to see Jesus Christ lifted up and people to be reached for His glory.

If you've not already seen it, check out the Ground Breaking Overview Video on Facebook!

Ground Breaking Sunday June 25th 2017

Ground Breaking was an incredible day! We are praising the Lord for how he continues to work at Newton Baptist Church.

Posted by Newton Baptist Church on Friday, July 7, 2017

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