
Covid-19 Procedures

We're excited to begin reopening our doors to you! This will be a gradual reopening beginning on Sunday, June 7th with two service options:

  • 9:00 am Service - Masks Used Through Entire Service
  • 11:00 am Service - Masks Used For Entry & Exit Only

Though we will be holding in-person services, please join us on live-stream if the following apply to you or anyone in your family:

  • Have pre-existing medical conditions
  • Have symptoms related to COVID-19

Please take a moment to review our service guidelines and FAQs.

Service Guidelines

Things will look a bit different as we reopen, here’s an overview of the Sunday morning services:

  • At this time, we won’t be having LifeGroups, Nursery, or Children’s Ministries
  • Regarding Masks:
    • Everyone will wear a mask during the 9:00 am service.
    • For the 11:00 am service, we will wear masks for entry and exit. While seated you may choose not to wear a mask if you so desire.
  • Services will run approximately 45 minutes

Here's what to expect when you arrive:

  • After parking in the designated area, you will proceed to the marked entrance.
  • Every attendee will have their temperature taken before entering the building.
  • After entering, you'll be offered hand sanitizer and a mask if you don't already have one.
  • An usher will seat you in the auditorium before the service begins.
  • After the service, each row will be dismissed from the pulpit.
  • Between services the auditorium and entrance areas will be thoroughly sanitized.

Do's & Don'ts


  • Prepare your heart for worship
  • Arrive 15 minutes before the service begins
  • Observe social distancing
  • Respect the well-being of fellow worshippers
  • Stay in your family group (People who live under the same roof)
  • Have a good attitude! Be grateful for each folunteer trying to create the safest environment possible for you.


  • Don't shake hands or hug
  • Don't get in the others' personal space
  • Don't linger in the lobby, hallways, or parking lot
  • Don't break social distancing standards
  • Don't wander through the building
  • Don't attend if you or someone you live with has symptoms of COVID-19
  • Don't allow temporary guidelines to inhibit your heart from worship


Will Restrooms Be Available?

One restroom will be available and it will be sanitized between uses by one of our awesome volunteers.

Do I have to Wear a Mask?

During the 9:00 am service, every person will be wearing a mask. For the 11:00 am service, we will wear masks for entry and exit. While seated you may choose whether or not you would like to wear a mask through the service.

What if I'm Not Comfortable Gathering In-Person?

No pressure here! Online services will still be available on Sundays and Wednesdays. We'll give you a virtual wave!

Will a Nursery Be Available?

Volunteer staffed nursery will not be available. For children that need to be changed or fed, a few rooms will be available for use. We ask that parents observe social distancing when using these rooms. After each use the rooms will be cleaned by one of our awesome volunteers.

What will be available for Kids?

At this time, there will be no nursery or children's programs available.

Can a Friend Sit With Me?

Only folks who live under the same roof will be seated together. However, our ushers will happily seat your friends nearby!

Will there be handshaking?

Our goal is a "contactless" service. There will be no handshaking time during the service or meet & greet after the service. Also, please refrain from contact in the auditorium and halls. A wave will do!

Looking for something specific?

Newton Baptist Home Page 720 Jack Neely Road, Covington, GA 30016 (770) 788-7868